Yesternight whole Eden garden stadium was ceremonious with the slogan of 'Bharat Mata Ki Jay' after the tikkha and karara defeat of opponent Pakistani team and we got a mauka to celebrate our team India victory. In India we celebrate every occasion with something sweet like kheer. It is also known as Rice pudding, payasam , payasa , gil-e-firdaus and firni . Kheer is prepared in festivals, temples , and all special occasions. The term kheer may derive from the Sanskrit word Ksheer which means "milk". Other terms like Payasam , payasa or payesh are derived from the Sanskrit word Payasa or Payasam , which also means "milk". It is prepared using milk , rice , ghee , sugar / jaggery , and khoya . It is often garnished using almonds, cashews, raisins and pistachios. There is one more popular version o...